Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a mental illness that causes periods of intense physical and emotional elevation and lengthy depressive states.


Manic Episodes

During manic episodes, people who have bipolar disorder have an extreme amount of energy, increased sex drive, little need for sleep, impulsivity, irritability and a flight of ideas. Manic episodes can also include psychotic symptoms like delusions of grandeur or hallucinations.

Depressive Episodes

During depressive episodes, people who have bipolar disorder suffer from extreme fatigue, poor concentration, low sex drive, disturbances in sleep and appetite. In addition, they also have feelings of despair, suicidal thoughts and a minimal capacity to experience enjoyment. It is possible for psychosis to occur during depressive episodes.


Some people who have bipolar disorder do not have full blown manic episodes but have a less severe form of mania called hypomania. Hypomania includes feelings of elevation, reduced need for sleep, a high sex drive, increase in creativity, flight of ideas and increased impulsivity. Psychosis does not occur during hypomania.

Mixed states

During mixed states, the symptoms of manic and depressive episodes are present at the same time. During these episodes’ suicidal thoughts and an extremely high energy level may be present.

Rapid Cycling

When four or more manic, hypomanic, or depressive episodes take place within a twelve-month period this is known as rapid cycling.  


Bipolar 1

Individuals who have Bipolar 1 have had at least one manic episode that may be preceded or followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes. In some cases, psychosis is present during the manic episode.

Bipolar 2

For those diagnosed with bipolar 2, one major depressive episode and one hypomanic episode must have occurred. People who have bipolar 2 do not have full blown manic episodes or psychosis.


People with Cyclothymic disorder have symptoms that are less severe than other types of bipolar disorder and have had at least two years of many periods of hypomania symptoms and periods of depressive symptoms.

Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)

Bipolar disorder that does not follow a particular pattern such as frequent hypomanic episodes without depressive episodes of very rapid swings between depressive episode and manic episode symptoms.

Note: People who have bipolar disorder generally fit into one of these types however each individual’s symptoms differ in type and severity.


Bipolar Disorder is a chronic illness for which there is no cure. However, with the right medication to flatten the fluctuations of mood and prevent psychosis and healthy lifestyle choices people who have the illness can have a positive life despite the suffering. Counselling can help by challenging negative thought patterns, reducing the stress of trauma and promoting overall wellness.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

General Anxiety Disorder is often co-morbid with Bipolar Disorder. Having anxiety because of daily occurrences is normal however people who suffer from general anxiety disorder live in a state of profound emotional and physical suffering that mimics presence of a threat when none exists. Often, there is no logical source that causes the feelings and physical reaction.


People who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder suffer from aches and pains, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea, faintness, dry mouth, sweating and poor concentration. They have persistent thoughts of worry, fear and may avoid situations that make their symptoms worse like going to shopping centres or personal conflict. 

Holistic lifestyle

Meditation, breathing exercises, counselling and a practice of overall wellness can greatly reduce the severity of generalized anxiety disorder.


Often benzodiazepines are prescribed for short term relief of symptoms until a medication or techniques are put in place to deal with the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder long term. It is possible for the use of benzodiazepines to create addiction issues if taken for a lengthy period of time.