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Back To Stress

In Canada, life takes on a more serious tone in September. This is the month that children go back to school after their two-month summer holiday, students of post secondary institutions return to classes and many people’s jobs get busier after our brief warm summer months. This transition can cause a considerable amount of stress for everyone. High levels of stress are not good for people with bipolar disorder.

 My bipolar disorder is highly sensitive to stress. Elevated stress levels played a significant roll in my first and subsequent full blown manic episodes and all my severe depressive episodes. If I am not mindful of the amount of stress I have in my life the consequences can be devastating. Every acute episode I have had has resulted in a loss of employment, relationships, and all my money. There are many things you cannot control when you have bipolar disorder but if you can decrease your stress level this can help lower the likelihood of acute episodes and help manage chronic symptoms.

The first thing to consider is to take an objective view of your bipolar disorder to figure out how much activity you can do. Bipolar disorder is not like a broken leg where the symptoms and treatment are the same for everyone. Everyone’s bipolar disorder is different. Some people can be so reactive to stress that employment would cause them to have a severe manic episode that could include psychosis or depressive episodes that have the possibility of death by suicide. Reflecting on the events that led to previous episodes can give you a sense of what you are capable of doing.

Regardless of whether you are working or not, stress needs to be managed. In Canada, since many activities start in September it is often the time of year we choose to make commitments. It is important to keep in mind the limitations of your illness when you agree to add an activity to your life. It is easy to agree to do more than you are capable of doing when your symptoms are in remission.

There are other wellness practices that can help reduce stress. Mindfulness, a life practice that grounds people in the present moment through activities like meditation and yoga can make a dramatic change in stress levels. Any form of exercise, peer support groups and incorporating recreational opportunities or volunteer work into your routine are all excellent ways to reduce stress.

Despite our best efforts, life will surprise us and we will end up having to deal with intense moments of stress. The best we can do to mitigate the damage these events cause on our lives is create a healthy routine and use as many tools as possible to decrease our stress level. This will not guarantee that we will not become acutely ill, but it gives us a better chance of maintaining wellness.

Bipolar Disorder and Stress

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Stress management plays an integral role in maintaining a stable life when you have bipolar disorder. High levels of stress can trigger acute depressive and manic episodes. The frequency and severity of these episodes can be reduced by a lifestyle that is conducive to a lower stress level.  Having a life that is suitable for your tolerance of stress, healthy relationships, a support system, counselling, and other wellness practices can help manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Finding an activity level that is congruent with someone who has bipolar disorder’s tolerance for stress comes from experience. It is only after having multiple episodes can it be determined how sensitive an individual’s bipolar disorder is to stress. Once a pattern emerges, decisions can be made on matters like the capacity to maintain employment or attend school. These decisions can be hard on one’s self esteem, but they may be necessary for long term stability.

When you have bipolar disorder, navigating personal relationships in a positive way can reduce the chances of stress induced acute symptoms. There is no black and white approach that can be used to do this. Using relationship skills is more of an art that takes into consideration the consequences of changing behaviour, one’s sense of duty, power dynamics and the nature of the relationship. Learning about healthy boundaries and other social skills an be helpful. The Canadian Mental Health Association offers free courses online on these topics in their Calgary Recovery College.

You cannot maintain stability without a support network. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal makes the argument that stress is good for us as long as we seek the support of others in her TED talk How to Make Stress Your Friend. While this view may be extreme for people who have bipolar disorder, it illustrates the value of having support. The support of family and friends is essential for people who have bipolar disorder and peer support groups like those offered by OBAD or the DBSA can be life changing.

Counseling can play a significant role in reducing stress. People who have experienced trauma from life experiences or their episodes can benefit from therapy that addresses these issues. Counselling can also help with negative thought patterns, emotional dysregulation, and relationships.  

Mindfulness, a life practice that grounds you in the present moment, and exercise are often recommended as ways to decrease stress. While it is true that incorporating these two things into your life will reduce your stress it may be a challenge to maintain a routine that includes these activities given the constant change in our symptoms. For this reason, I feel it is important to decrease stress in multiple areas of life.

Maintaining a positive life when you have bipolar disorder requires a lot of work. One must be mindful of their symptoms, be an active participant in finding the right medication, and create a life with a manageable level of stress. It takes a long time to build all of this into your life but usually the suffering decreases along the way and the frequency of consistent moments of joy increase.

This will be my last written blog until September 6, 2021. For the next three months, I will be sharing a link to my podcast, “The Bipolar Disorder Moment” where I will be reading excerpts from my book , Brain Betrayal: The Allan They Never Met, every week. My book has not been published yet but hopefully a publisher will pick it up in the near future.

Please subscribe to my site if you would like to receive a link to my blog emailed to you every week.

Bipolar Disorder and Shame

Photo by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash

One of the most awful aspects of having bipolar disorder is dealing with the shame that comes after having manic and depressive episodes. Our symptoms are caused by a chemical imbalance that makes us behave in ways that can be confusing, hurtful, and problematic to those around us. Because our illness causes a change in behaviour it is difficult for people to separate our symptoms from who we are as people. As a result, individuals in our life may change the way they treat us after an episode. This along with memories of the episode can all contribute to a heavy sense of shame.

After manic episodes, people who are impact by the episode may react to the person who had it with anger, resentment, and fear. It is not my place to say which of these feelings are valid or not valid, but I believe the fear is often a result of the media and entertainment industry’s love of portraying people who have mental illnesses as violent. We are no more likely to be violent than the general population. Feelings of anger and resentment are valid but a challenge to process because we would never choose to behave the way that we do when we are acutely ill. Being the brunt of this type of negativity is hard on our self esteem and it diminishes our ability to have a positive sense of self.  

The shame that comes from depressive episodes can be different. These episodes may result in friends breaking off contact from you because you are no longer pleasant to be around. You may lose a job because you are not able to perform your duties or a relationship with a spouse may end as they feel you are no longer capable of being a positive influence in their life. These episodes are not our fault, but the consequences on our lives are considerable and can be hard on our sense of self worth.

It is not just the reaction of people around us that is difficult, but the memories of our behaviour can bother us as well. I remember saying awful things to loved ones during the height of my irritability and the confused faces of people who did not understand my psychosis. These memories used to weigh heavily on me, and they made me wonder if I deserved to pursue a better life.

One of the ways I recovered from the overwhelming shame was by attending a peer support group at OBAD. It was nice to meet people who had bipolar disorder that managed to have a positive life and almost everyone could relate to my experience of dealing with shame. Attending the group and trying to focus on living in the moment rather than ruminating on the past has helped.

I have heard stories of family members repetitively reminding people who have bipolar disorder of their behaviour during acute episodes because they are angry or hurt by what happened. While it is understandable that one would want to seek comfort after being hurt by these events, constantly reminding someone of their behaviour when they were acutely ill is hurtful. It may be more helpful to seek out support from agencies like the Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorder, the Canadian Mental Health Association and the DBSA who have groups and resources for family members of people who have bipolar disorder.

Feelings of shame after acute episodes can be so debilitating that it may hinder the possibility of returning to a functional life. Even if I deserve to be punished for the pain my illness has caused people connected to my life, surely a life sentence of crippling shame would be an excessive punishment. To minimize the negative impact my illness has on those around me, all I can do is make lifestyle choices that are conducive to making my symptoms manageable. I cannot do this if I am stuck in shame.

The Value of Learning About Your Bipolar Disorder

Photo by Tim Samuel from Pexels

 Everyone who has bipolar disorder has their own unique version of the illness. We all understand what it is like to be stuck in the physical anguish of a depressive episode and the euphoria of hypomania but the severity of our symptoms, how they manifest and how we respond to medication is different. It is important to learn as much as possible about your bipolar disorder to have a positive life.

For example, after my last manic episode, a psychiatrist told me that taking too much pleasure in creative thinking, solutions to problems or philosophical ideas can trigger a manic episode for me. He called this, “Intellectualizing.” When I reflect on all three of my manic episodes, I realize they were all triggered by intellectualizing. This means, I am careful about what I talk about and think about. I do not push my brain to the edges of philosophical questions, and I am mindful of how excited I get about my own thoughts.

I have learned from my experience of having depressive episodes as well. When I am in my car and I notice that I keep changing the radio station I start to wonder if my mood is dipping. An inability to enjoy things is a symptom of depressive episodes and this can be the first sign that this is occurring for me. Then, I think about whether or not I am having other symptoms like poor appetite, fatigue, and lack of concentration. If I am, I add more physical activity to my routine. This does not make me feel better, but it prevents things from getting worse. I force myself to eat to prevent my appetite from dropping even further and I meet people to reduce the possibility of self isolating.

Medication plays a crucial role in managing bipolar disorder. Without it I could become acutely ill on a regular basis which could potentially be fatal. There is no imaging device or blood test that a psychiatrist can use to assess the symptoms of someone who has bipolar disorder. They rely on their observations and our report on what is happening in our life. To make this process more effective you can use mood charts that rate your mood daily to learn about patterns that may exist. Also, has a Quality of Life Tool that asks you a series of questions and produces a report that can help you understand how you are doing in the context of your illness.  Providing this information to your psychiatrist can improve your treatment.

When you have bipolar disorder, creating a routine that includes consistent opportunities for joy and fulfillment requires learning as much as possible about your illness. Over time, this knowledge can empower you to lead your best life. While it is not a guarantee that your symptoms will never become acute it gives us the best chance to lead a rewarding life long-term.  

Bipolar Disorder and Anxiety

Thinking about writing about anxiety and bipolar disorder made me feel overwhelmed. I felt like I would have to spend months compiling my experiences and knowledge and consult with several professionals to do the topic justice. Rather than attempting to do this I have chosen to focus on my own experience for this blog.

In my case, it has been a challenge to figure out the difference between the anxiety I have because of bipolar disorder and my anxiety that was borne from life experiences.

In 2010, I had a manic episode that was followed by a severe depressive episode. I felt lifeless. I did not have the energy to shower, get out of bed and I had to force myself to eat. My anxiety was so high that the thought of opening the door to leave my home made my heart race, my throat tighten, and my muscles would ache with dread like they were trying to prevent me from leaving. Once the episode subsided, my anxiety level dropped substantially and leaving my home was not an issue.

When I am not having a depressive episode, I also experience anxiety but the source of it seems to be my life experiences. I know this because I have had psychotherapy to address the issues from my past and my level of anxiety has dropped tremendously.

 A couple of years ago, I started experiencing a difficult side effect from an antipsychotic I was taking to help manage my bipolar disorder. My psychiatrist’s assessment of my bipolar disorder at the time was that we could try going off the medication. After being off the medication for about a week, I went to a grocery store and my heart began to race, the muscles in my throat tightened and I felt like I was going to throw up.  My anxiety had returned. After describing this experience to my psychiatrist, she put me on a different antipsychotic and my anxiety went back to a manageable level.

These experiences tell me that my anxiety has a bipolar disorder source and a life experiences source. I am not sure where the boundary is between the two or if they are interconnect. I believe that there is a difference because I know psychotherapy alone would not have helped me recover from the anxiety I experienced during my last severe depressive episode or when I was taken off my antipsychotic. I do not believe that medication could have helped the anxiety I suffer from because of some of the experiences I have had in my life.

There are a wide range of approaches available to deal with issues with anxiety. These include mindfulness, a life practice that grounds you in the present moment and includes meditation, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a form of therapy that helps you address negative thought patterns, and there are different types of therapy to address issues from the past. In terms of medication, there is a range of approaches psychiatrists can take based on their assessment of their patients’ needs.

Addressing anxiety issues for people who have bipolar disorder is complex and it takes the expertise of a psychiatrist to be able to tease out the source of the problem and the most effective way to treat it. It is one of the most debilitating aspects of having bipolar disorder for many of us but there is a range of strategies, therapies, and medications available that can facilitate a better life for people who struggle with it.  

Sleep, Hypomania and Mania

Photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas from Pexels

If you have bipolar disorder and you are not sleeping very much and you feel fantastic that is a problem. This can be the first sign of the start of hypomania or even full-blown mania. If a person in this state does not receive medication to help them sleep this can increase the intensity of the episode which could potentially lead to psychosis. For this reason, many people who have bipolar disorder are prescribed medication to help them sleep.

 I used to struggle with falling asleep at night. When I went to bed, I would feel too sleepy and exhausted to do anything, but I would not fall unconscious into a restful slumber. I would lay in bed for an hour or so before drifting off to sleep and I would wake up several times throughout the night. I tried to stick to sleep hygiene practices like no screen time two hours before bed, regular exercise, reserving the bedroom for sleep only, staying out of bed unless I felt sleepy and having a warm bath before bedtime. None of it worked.

This is a common problem for people who have bipolar disorder. I believe this is because we tend to have a constant stream of thoughts that are so stimulating that they keep us awake at night. These thoughts can include things like future writing projects, an underachieving hockey team, and theories about life and politics. They are great for artistic pursuits, problem solving and other cognitive challenges, but they are problematic when you just want to rest.

I realized I needed to find a way to occupy my brain with something mildly interesting but not stimulating if I wanted to be able to sleep at night. I started listening to an old radio show from 1948 called Our Miss Brooks. The show is a comedy about a sarcastic teacher who is beloved by her students and has a crush on the biology teacher. It was amusing enough to occupy my busy brain so that I could fall asleep. Now, I listen to Netflix series repeatedly instead. I do not watch the screen. I just listen to the audio.

Many of the symptoms of bipolar disorder can be grey and different for everyone who has the illness. Sleep is the one thing that almost everyone who has bipolar disorder can use to gauge if they are just having a good day or if they may be hypomanic. Having a personal strategy for getting regular sleep that suits your specific symptoms of bipolar disorder can help prevent the onset of mania and provide the energy required to effectively maintain a self care plan.  

Baking “Covid Fatigue” Away

My homemade bread

A couple of months ago, I had little energy, my thoughts were negative, and I felt sad. I thought it might be the start of a depressive episode, but my psychiatrist told me I was suffering from “Covid Fatigue.” She explained the cumulative effect of the isolation and reduced interaction with people has led to people feeling down but she assured me I was not suffering from the physical symptoms of a bipolar depressive episode.

Had it been a bipolar depressive episode, I would have exercised a little more and made sure I kept eating to combat the poor appetite I experience. Implementing these two strategies prevents my depressive episodes from getting worse and they do not last as long. Although “Covid Fatigue” could lead to poor life choices that could trigger a depressive episode it is a psychological problem which requires a different type of intervention.

The main issue for me has been the impact Covid-I9 has had on my routine. I volunteer at the Kerby Centre, a centre that supports seniors. I find helping seniors rewarding and working with the positive staff fills my emotional need for positive interactions with people. The Kerby Centre is still providing important support to seniors via the phone, online and food delivery but the building is closed which means I am not needed at the moment.

My psychiatrist said we needed to add some activities to my life to help me stay psychologically healthy during the pandemic. After doing some brainstorming we decided that crochet and baking bread would be the answer. It is no coincident that these are two of her favourite activities. I am glad she is not into skeet shooting and gymnastics because I do not think those activities would be a fit for me.  

Learning to crochet was frustrating at first but, now I find it relaxing and rewarding. I have made gifts for people which makes me feel good and it is helping me stay positive because my thoughts are occupied by making stitches. When I start to have negative thoughts, I make mistakes which take awhile to fix. Crochet is helping me train myself to focus on the present moment.

In the last few weeks, I have been attempting to make bread and it has been a challenge. My first attempt was edible but very dense. When I added all the flour that the recipe called for the dough became dry and the bread came out crumbly. I talked to a friend who bakes and she told me she just adds flour until the dough ” feels right.” I had no idea how to make dough that “feels right” but after watching a YouTube video I managed to make a loaf of bread I enjoyed eating.

The brain power I used to figure out how to bake bread was a nice break from thinking about life during Covid-l9 and I am still doing crochet. I am grateful that this trying time has given me these two new skills that I will be able to use for the rest of my life. If you would like to add bread making to your repertoire of life skills, I have included the instructions and recipe that I used below.

Executive Director of OBAD, Kaj Korvela, Describes His Personal Experience With Bipolar Mixed States

Kaj Korvela working in his studio.

This week’s blog is a podcast interview with Kaj Korvela, Executive Director of OBAD (The Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorder). Kaj describes his experience with the complex symptoms of bipolar mixed states. The topic of suicidal ideation is mentioned in this podcast. Click on any of the buttons below to listen to my podcast.

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